Thursday 17 March 2016

c# - Why can I access controls from a form in a thread without cross thread exception?

Usually, when you access controls in a Thread you end up with some cross thread exceptions. In my C# WinForms Application I have a picture box and a toolstriplabel which do not cause that exception. I don't understand why, can anybody explain this to me?

Here some code explanation:

In the main form I have a picturebox and a toolstriplabel. Also I have a reference to another Form, which has no controls and no additional source code. And then in the main form there is another object which works with a thread. This thread can raise three different events and the main form is subscribed to these three events.

  • Event1 causes the toolstriplabel to update (with some information from the thread).

  • Event2 causes the picturebox to update (with a new picture from the thread).

Event1 and Event2 work perfectly fine. I do not use any invoke methods, I directly change Text and BackgroundImage properties without cross thread exception.

  • Event3 though makes troubles. It is supposed to show the other form but I receive the cross therad exception. It works only if I use a BeginInvoke to show the form.

Why is that?


The multithreading is done by an MJPEGStream object. I subscribe the NewFrame method of that MJPEGStream object.

public partial class Form1 : Form
private CAM cam;

private PeekWindow frmPeekWindow;

public Form1()

cam = new CAM();
cam.NewImageMessageEvent += new NewImageEventHandler(cam_NewImageMessageEvent);
cam.DetectionEvent += new DetectionEventHandler(cam_DetectionEvent);
cam.FpsChangedMessageEvent += new FpsChangedEventHandler(cam_FpsChangedMessageEvent);

cam.DetectionThreshold = (float)this.numDetectionThreshold.Value;

frmPeekWindow = new PeekWindow();

// without the next two lines, frmPeekwindow.Show() won't work if called in an event

void cam_FpsChangedMessageEvent(object sender, FpsChangedEventArgs e)

lblFPS.Text = string.Format("fps: {0:0.0}", e.FPS);

void cam_DetectionEvent(object sender, DetectionEventArgs e)
if (chkEnablePeakWindow.Checked)
if (frmPeekWindow.InvokeRequired)



void cam_NewImageMessageEvent(object sender, NewImageEventArgs e)
picStream.BackgroundImage = e.Image;

And here's the CAM class:

class CAM
private object lockScale = new object();

private MJPEGStream stream;
private Bitmap image;

public event NewImageEventHandler NewImageMessageEvent;
public event FpsChangedEventHandler FpsChangedMessageEvent;
public event DetectionEventHandler DetectionEvent;

// configure (login, pwd, source)
public CAM()
{ = new MJPEGStream("..."); = "..."; = "..."; += new NewFrameEventHandler(OnNewFrame)

private void OnNewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs ev)
FpsChangedMessageEvent(this, new FpsChangedEventArgs(10));

// get image

image = ev.Frame;
NewImageMessageEvent(this, new NewImageEventArgs(new Bitmap(image)));

DetectionEvent(this, new DetectionEventArgs(new Bitmap(image)));
catch (Exception ex)



You won't get cross thread exception, but it doesn't mean that this is a safe operation. There is always a possibility for your control to go unstable. You just don't know when it will happen.

See the following explanation from Microsoft.

Access to Windows Forms controls is not inherently thread safe. If you

have two or more threads manipulating the state of a control, it is
possible to force the control into an inconsistent state. Other
thread-related bugs are possible, such as race conditions and
deadlocks. It is important to make sure that access to your controls
is performed in a thread-safe way.

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