Monday 4 April 2016

C# retrieve JSON from URL

I am creating a program that gets the steam market prices for various CS:GO items, and compares them to one another. I am having trouble getting the steam market JSON into my program. Market JSON
Here is my code:

using (WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient())

WebClient n = new WebClient(); // <-- error on this line
string json = n.DownloadString("");
dynamic array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
test.Text = array.lowest_price.ToString(); ;

I am getting this error when instanciating WebClient():

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in

Additional information: The remote server returned an error: (500)
Internal Server Error.

Is this even a valid JSON? If not, is there an alternative? I heard has an api as well. Would this be better?


Looks like the URL is malformed. I.just tried and it returned a good response.

Of particular note is the enclosed parenthesis in your URL.

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