Wednesday, 31 December 1969

plot explanation - Why does Borden want to change the knot used in the trick? - Movies & TV

Why does Borden want to change the knot used in the tank trick? Is it because he is poor at tying it?


The answer is given in the scene following the first time we see Julia performing the trick.

CUTTER I saw you drop the knot again, Borden.

JULIA I think I had my
wrist turned.

CUTTER (ignoring Julia) Some nights you just can't

get it, can you? If that knot slips when Julia's on the hoist she'll
break a leg.

Cutter is criticizing Borden for being careless when tying the knot and risking an accident. (We see Borden having to tie the knot twice in the scene earlier).

Borden then suggests the Langford Double would be better, which Cutter rejects as he says it would be unsafe under water as it would swell and lock.

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