Wednesday 31 December 1969

character - What happens to Wesley Crusher when he leaves with the Traveler? - Movies & TV

In the television episode Journey's End of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher leaves the Enterprise, drops out of Star Fleet Academy and joins the Traveler. This is the last episode where Wesley makes an appearance on the show.

Has there ever been any clarification of what happens to Wesley? Where he goes with the Traveler and what he learns. Wikipedia states he makes an appearance in Star Trek Nemesis, but it seems like his character's plot is just ignored.


More details than you could possibly want are available at Memory Alpha.

In 2370, cadet Crusher resigned from Starfleet Academy after The
Traveler - posing as a villager on Dorvan V - guided him through a
vision of his deceased father who told him that his destiny lay
somewhere other than with Starfleet and that he should not follow in
his footsteps. Much to his mother's and Picard's disappointment yet
with their support, Wesley heeded the advice after which The Traveler
revealed his true identity and promised to mentor the young man on his

new journey, presumably to other planes of existence.


Crusher eventually returned to Starfleet and in 2379 he became a
full-fledged officer, holding the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

I don't believe that there are significant details about what he actually does with The Traveler.

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