Monday 5 December 2016

Using link to submit form into php using $_PHP_SELF and $_POST

I'm trying to get a form to submit from a link rather than an input submit button.


...form data

Add Camera to Database

The PHP that gets called looks like so:

            if(isset($_POST['ADD'])) {
$LOC = $_POST['LOC'];
$URL = $_POST['URL'];

$IMG = $_POST['IMG'];
$LAT = $_POST['LAT'];
$LON = $_POST['LON'];

VALUES ('$SIGID', '$LOC', '$URL', '$IMG', '$LAT', '$LON', '$CAMTYPE')";
$retval = mysql_query($sql);

if(! $retval ) {
die('Could not add data: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Added data successfully' . PHP_EOL;

The link currently doesn't work, but it works using a normal submit input, so I know the script is okay.

My best guess was that the problem had to do with the fact that $_POST only creates an array from form elements, and since the hyperlink is not a form element, its name identifier is not getting passed.

But, I tried it without the isset() conditionals and just tried to echo the data that was being passed, which did not work. So, that seems to indicate something else is going on.

Any help/workaround is appreciated. Thanks.

EDIT: I got it working by doing this:

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